Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Plays of George Peele (1556-1596) UGC NET ENGLISH PAPER II, UNIT 1. MODULE 6

Plays of George Peele(1556-1596):
(About Peele: One of the seven university wits - studied at Oxford -a writer of plays, congratulatory  verse and pageant - presenting courtly and patriotic themes- known for his non dramatic blank verse)

1. The Arraignment of Paris (1584):

A pastoral play based on the myth of the judgement of Paris - the nymph Eliza and the phrase "our Zabeta fair" in the play referring to Queen Elizebath for whom the play was written - Story : Three goddesses Juno, the Roman goddess of marriage and finance,  Pallas, the goddess of wisdom and arts,  and Venus, the goddess of love meet at Mount Ida and a golden apple, with an inscription "it is for the most beautiful " is rolled out into their path by Ate, the goddess of Disccord. The three goddesses select the Trojan Prince Paris as umpire who but partially favors Venus who takes him from his wife Oenone. The raged goddesses bring him back to trial before other goddesses, among whom Diana the goddess of hunting, in her judgment, rewards the apple to the nymph Eliza, the most beautiful (representing Queen Elizabeth).

2. Edward I (1593):

A historical play focusing on the conflict between Edward I ( king of England from 1272 to 1307) and Llywelyn ap Gruffud whose rebellion is based on the story of Robin Hood - the Play divided into 23 scenes by Arthur Henry Bullen - Story: The Play mainly focuses on Edward I's fight and victory against Balioll, the King of Scotland and Llywelyn, Prince of Wales, and the death of Queen Elinor who reveals at the death bed that their Prince Edward, though fourth son,  is the only legitimate son to become Edward II.

3. The Battle of Alcazar(1594):

A play in the form of chorus - Abdelmelec is the rightful king of Morocco but his nephew Mully Mahamet also known the black Moor plots to capture the throne and gets the help of Sebastian, the King of Portugal by pretending to be honest. The emperror of East premises to help Abdelmelec. The battle of Alcazar (1578) starts and Abdelmelec is slain but it is concealed by his brother Mully Mahameth Seth to encourage the warriors and eventually Abdelmelec's  troops win and the Moor and Sebastian are killed. The Play ends with the coronation of Mully Mahameth Seth as the King of Morrocco.

4. The Old Wife's Tale (1595):

The Play as the first satire on romantic dramas of the Elizabethan Age - rich in music and magical invocations to influence Shakespeare's plays- resembling Milton's play Comus- Story: Three young men lost in the woods take shelter in the house of the blacksmith Clunch whose old wife Madge entertains the two of the three young men by telling a tale. The tale forms "a play within a play" in which Two young men and their sister are captured by the magician Sacrapant. The knight Euminides saves them from the magician with the help of the ghost of Jack the Giant-Killer whose funeral expense had been cared by the knight.

5. David and Bethsabe (1599):

A play in blank verse based on the biblical  story of David and Bathsheba (2.Samuel.11 and 12) -Story:  David, King of Israel, develops lust for bathing Bethsabe, the wife of Urias who works in David's army. After cunningly killing Urias in the war, having an illicit sick son through Bethsabe,  David marries her and gives birth to Salomon. Meanwhile,  Absalon, son of David kills his half brother Amnon for raping his sister Thamar and also wages war against David for Isarel's throne. Neglecting right advice from his Chief advisor Achitophel, misguided by Cusay, David's advisor, Absalon dies getting his long hair entangled in oak tree while fleeing from father's attack. Forced by Bethsabe and the prophet Nathan, David declares that Salomon be his next heir to the throne.

(Peele's another play "The Troublesome Reign of King John" became model and source for Shakespeare's King John)

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Titus Andronicus by Shakespeare UGC NET ENGLISH PAPER II, UNIT 1. MODULE 16

Important Points to Remember: A violent revenge play written about 1591 in collaboration with George Peele, one of the University Wits  (...